Evolution of Convertr Tracking

By Danny Hannah - June 13, 2018

Convertr’s tracking system has always been core to our platform, and traditionally an out the box feature. As such, it’s been heavily tied to the campaign creation and publisher management sections since day one.

It gives campaign managers insight into channel performance per publisher, provides the tools they need to quickly optimise campaigns and modify creatives with zero impact to delivery.

Until recently, if you wanted to track against other channels which are not publishers in the traditional sense, you’d need to set up a dummy publishers to be able to track performance against these alternative channels.

In the latest release we’ve made significant changes to decouple this logic. You’re now able to use the same tracking links without the publisher dependency. We’ve also added the insight which was only previously available within the publisher management section to the Tracking > Links section of the Campaign screens, providing greater insight into channel performance.

With new White Paper implementation tags coming in the next release, you’ll soon be able to more efficiently track channel performance across your white paper libraries without any publisher set up within Convertr. That being said, if you wanted to fulfil campaigns using traditional publishers, then of course the two can work seamlessly together with no changes to your existing setup.

For further assistance or support on Convertr tracking, please reach out via support@convertrmedia.net

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